Who's pretty much the only person in the band who really does need all of their limbs in order to play their instrument? And of those persons, which one is also the most likely to get their foot stamped on playing football? And given the way these things go, it goes without saying that we need to ask if the person who in the band who managed to get their foot stamped on managed to do it with the most, shall we say, generously proportioned of the opposition players? Yes, step forward (or hobble painfully...) the dumb drummer who can now barely walk, let alone play. Luckily, no gigs this weekend!
Really should take up Crown Green Bowling or something...
Pain Alert
Poster Neil on Friday, May 21, 2010 0 comments
What Did He Say?
Just in case you missed Dan and I talking to Paul Baker on Sunday's ARfm Soundscapes show, you can tune in again on Thursday to hear the show repeated. There was an exclusive playing of three tracks the band recorded for Soundscapes in a live session, as well as random caffeine induced waffling. You can point your browser here to listen in, and the show gets a double broadcast from 9.00 am till midday, then again from 9pm for everyone who missed it first (and second!) time around.
Poster Neil on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 0 comments
Replay BBC 6 Music
In case you didn't manage to stay the course and keep awake long enough to hear the band get 'Silence Won't Steal' played on the Tom Robinson radio show Saturday night, the nice people at the BBC have put the show onto the 'Listen Again' iPlayer for you to hear at your leisure. As long as your leisure time falls within the next few days, of course. It's up on the BBC's site until Saturday night, and you can go directly to the player by clicking the link here. Of course, if you click and it's after 15th May 2010, then who know's what it'll link to. TDT were the second song played, so you don't have to wait long before hearing the dulcet tones of the band kicking in. Feel free to email Tom at introducing.6music@bbc.co.uk and tell him that you thought The Dreaming Tree were ace and could you play them some more. And if you could play the full, unedited version that'd be even better!
Poster Neil on Monday, May 10, 2010 0 comments
Robin 2 Headline News
The gig news continues unabated this week, as we can now confirm that the band will be appearing at Bilston, Wolverhampton's Robin 2 Club in November. This will be a headline show, with support coming from Buckinghamshire band Jump, who will be on their 20th anniversary tour. The Robin show will be an important one for TDT, given that it's as close to a hometown gig as it can get, so make sure you get your diary clear to catch what will be a very good show. You can find all the important details on the Robin's website here, and the all important ticket information by clicking here. £8 in advance and £10 on the door for two brilliant bands is sterling value, we think you'll agree!
Poster Neil on Friday, May 07, 2010 1 comments
Just recently there have been some oblique and not-so-oblique references to squirrels and odd goings-on in the realm of TDT. So it's probably now time to spill the beans and come clean with the happy/sad news. Jim Peterson, long time bassist and purveyor of quality foods to the travelling TDT members in the van, has left the band. With an increase in his work, as well as an increase in TDT's activity, coupled with Jim's family commitments, he felt that he couldn't commit the time and effort required to keep TDT as his primary focus. All of which left a bass-playing shaped void in the group. Which we can happily report has been filled by the chap you see here. Please welcome Neil Simpson to the nuttiness that is the band, and join in the confusion of 2 people now answering to the same name. Plans to replace every other member of the band with a 'Neil' are unconfirmed. But curiously not denied... Those of you in the Shropshire area and Bridgnorth in particular may want to make your way to tomorrow's 'low key' show and witness Neil S's first taste of live action. Feel free to stare at him intently to try and put him off. The pressure will be good for him.
We'd all like to thank Jim for his contribution to the band over the last decade, and genuinely wish him all the very best with whatever path he chooses to now follow. A new chapter for everyone begins here...
Poster Neil on Thursday, May 06, 2010 0 comments
Cambridge Rock Festival
Hot on the heels of our last gig-related announcement is the news that The Dreaming Tree has been asked to appear on the bill for this year's Cambridge Rock Festival. This is a 4 day festival that's been growing steadily for some time now. Peruse the location in the accompanying photograph. Clearly, the show is not yet on in the shot, but come Friday August 6th, it'll be heaving with a swathing morass of people all flocking to catch the sounds of the 'Tree. We'll be appearing on the Classic Rock Society sponsored stage, amongst a bill for the festival that includes Mostly Autumn, Pallas, Panic Room, Tygers of Pan Tang and the Declan Burke Band. Final line-ups are yet to be sorted out, but you can click here for the latest news. Ticket prices vary tremendously dependent upon your requirement, be it for one evening, a day, or the whole event, so go to the Cambridge Rock Festival website to peruse the offers. As soon as we receive more info, you can rest assured we'll be passing it on.
Poster Neil on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 0 comments
TDT On The Radio Even More!
Hot on the heels of the announced TDT appearance on ARfm this Sunday, we can now also tell you that we're going to be played on BBC 6 music. The 'Introducing' show hosted by Tom Robinson will be playing 'Silence Won't Steal', so feel free to listen in, podcast, i Player or whatever else you need to do to hear it. It's on at 1:00am Sunday night (or technically Monday morning), so if you click here you can go to the online page for the show. For those of you quite frankly not hardcore enough to listen live, you can find podcasts of the shows by clicking here, and then download and listen to at your leisure on your Mp3 player of choice. Or use the 'Listen Again' feature on the BBC's website. Or don't even listen, just email the show and tell them how great you thought that song by that Dreaming Tree band was! You can do that by emailing Tom at: introducing.6music@bbc.co.uk and waxing lyrical. Any help and support you can give us in bombarding the BBC is very welcome indeed!
Poster Neil on Tuesday, May 04, 2010 0 comments
TDT On The Radio
This Sunday 9th May will see the band feature on Radio ARfm's 'Soundscapes' show, with Prog Paul Baker and Ralph Rea. Dan and I will be popping into the studio for a chat, and the live session that TDT recently played will be getting an airing. So to listen to the band in its full glory, pounding out some select material off the new 'Progress Has No Patience' album, as well as listen to a couple of idiots trying hard to not sound like utter Muppets (and probably failing...), point your browsers in the direction of ARfm Sunday May 9th from around 3pm. Or click here.
Poster Neil on Tuesday, May 04, 2010 0 comments
Extra Help
Just in case the last post was leaving you a touch confused, here’s a much better angle that should give you a better chance of figuring out what’s going on. It’s a shot from the same batch that the previous post came from. If the game hasn’t been given away now, I have no idea what it’ll take to get everyone up to speed!
Poster Neil on Thursday, April 29, 2010 0 comments
Toying With Instruments
I’ve finally managed to dig out the photos I was looking for in the morass of junk that gets accumulated at TDT HQ. This is a rather cryptic and yet not-so-difficult to work out reference to what’s happening currently within the realm of The Dreaming Tree. This was taken at a recent live session recording for an upcoming radio broadcast that the band will be playing. 3 songs were being recorded, all off the new album. I can tell you the songs were Silence Won’t Steal, Ophidia and Whisper Song. They’ll be played on air shortly, and we’ll let you know when and where as soon as we get the news confirmed ourselves.
Poster Neil on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 0 comments
Over the next few days we've got a few things that have been brewing in the collective pipeline that we'll be releasing to both of you that read this. There will be the next batch of show dates that we'll be putting up, along with various appearances we may be making in various media in one way or another. There's also going to be news that some of you may be aware of, but many of you won't, and that'll become apparent when I manage to sort out some photos that I need to dig out. Confused? Not as much as we are...
Poster Neil on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 0 comments
Top Secret!
Here is proof, if proof were needed, that things of interest are occurring in the realm of TDT. Unfortunately, there is the smallest of small details in that we can’t actually tell you any of what’s happening at the moment, as to do so would certainly mean us having to hunt you down and kill you, so, in your own interests (as the Government would say), we’re having to ‘protect’ you and not tell you what we’re not announcing. At some point in the future, we may well decide to tell you what we haven’t been telling you, but again the information may have to be ‘adapted’ to preserve the ‘interests’ of you, the humble public.
Glad we’ve made that clear for you.
Poster TDT on Thursday, April 08, 2010 0 comments
Let's Get Political, Political
Sung rather badly to the tune of Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Let’s Get Physical’. Because that, quite frankly, is the standard of joke and ’soundbite’ that we should expect to hear with a predictable amount of regularity between now and the UK General Election that has finally been called for May 6th. Now, we’re not for a second telling you who exactly you should vote for, but we are telling you you should vote, and support the civic duty by giving a voice to your MP about what we, the people, want. Yes, I know that ultimately they’re all pretty bad, and your choice essentially amounts to which colour tie you want the PM to wear, but nonetheless, speak with your ballot paper, and then you can have the right to complain and moan like buggery when the Government gets it wrong. Which they will. With alarming regularity…
Poster TDT on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 0 comments
Other Bands?
Well, it may be an act of treachery, but here I am currently back at the scene of TDT’s PHNP album tracking, this time putting down drum parts for the next Intense album. None of that fine drag/flam/buzz roll nonsense for this album, oh no. Just double bass thuggery of the very highest order. So I’m currently recovering with a coffee after waggling my feet at silly tempos, whilst Karl sits behind me splicing takes together so it doesn’t sound too bad. All jolly good fun, and I’m rather enjoying the change of pace from TDT’s usual speed. I’m beginning to think that we’re going to need something that’s a bit quicker on the next ‘Tree album, simply because speed, like the drug (allegedly…), is addictive.
Poster Neil on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 0 comments
Album Launch Show
The Dreaming Tree are proud to announce that their new album, ‘Progress Has No Patience’ will be released on March 13th 2010. To celebrate this, there will be a launch show at the intimate venue, The Theatre On The Steps in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, on that very date. Featuring a full electric show, support and special guests, ticket holders will also be able to receive a copy of the album absolutely free. Tickets cost just £8 (plus £1 booking/postage fee) in advance from the box office in Bridgnorth (01746 763257) or go to www.thedreamingtree.co.uk to buy online. Hurry, as tickets are strictly limited!
Poster Neil on Thursday, January 28, 2010 1 comments